Nathan Petrelli [Congressman] Appreciation Thread #3

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~ Violet
CAT_IMG Posted on 25/11/2007, 17:06

Fotina della seconda serie >_<
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che bello che era in quest'episodio *__*
CAT_IMG Posted on 25/11/2007, 17:30

awwwwwwwwwwww*-* non farmici pensare;-;
Ariel Evan
CAT_IMG Posted on 25/11/2007, 18:28

Sì, lo era, lo era ;///; Finora però, per me è stato al suo apice nella 2x04. Una cosa che non mi ricordo niente della trama perchè l'unica trama era la Sua Immensa Bellezza.
CAT_IMG Posted on 25/11/2007, 20:45

Nono, per me il top è proprio nella 2x05!
Cioè, ho dovuto mandare indietro le scene con lui perchè mi incantavo!
~ Violet
CAT_IMG Posted on 25/11/2007, 20:46


CAT_IMG Posted on 5/12/2007, 09:28

dopo quel che è successo ieri, mi pare giusto parlare un po' di lui nel suo bell'AT.


comunque, commento di una tizia sul 9thwonders a proposito del problema Nathan e risposta.

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I'm just wondering because I'm reading a lot of "If Nathan dies I'm through with 'Heroes'" and I have to know, is this because you really think Nathan is an essential character on Heroes or is it more of a fangirl infatuation with character/actor?

"Is there a fangirl problem?"

Thank you for being a sexist pig who think that fangirls are lower being than you and therefore their opinion are not important.

And please don't tell me what or how I feel about a character because you don't know me and you don't even know what kind of fans Nathan actually has.

ho tipo esultato.

e dal momento che amo la tartaruga canadese, ecco come lei mi/ci tranquillizza

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Now there's a million reasons to say Nathan won't die and/or isn't dead, let me point out a few obvious ones:

• Nathan Petrelli/Adrian Pasdar is far, far, FAR too popular. It's in fact more fun for the writers to put the most popular characters in peril as cliffhangers. because that's just a thing they do.
• The Petrelli's are the main storyline. I've said it at the end of last season and I'll say it again. Without them no Heroes, simple as that. Hooking into that, without Nathan there would just not be an interesting Peter and vice versa. So by killing off one they'd have to kill off both, and they simply won't do that.
• The Nathan storyline is far from over; we don't know the specifics from what caused the drift from his family and he didn't get his happy reunion yet.
• Even if Nathan 'died' there's plenty of ways to bring him back, as this is after all Heroes verse. Besides, they just introduced the magical healing blood, it'd be ridiculous if they weren't going to take full use of it. Nathan has in fact already gotten a dose from Adam, who knows how long that will last? It may have already mutated his DNA. If not, there's always the daughter who already saved one father and early in this season seemed eager enough to help people with her ability. And then, of course, there's Peter. The other immortal. Had it not clicked in the hospital earlier, it must've now after he and Adam both walked away from getting shot by Victoria. He can save his brother, again.

See? Don't worry peeps, he'll be fine ^_^

Edited by .ZooeyDriver. - 5/12/2007, 10:08
CAT_IMG Posted on 5/12/2007, 14:08

Tartaruga, mi fido di te!T.T

Hai ragione su tutto, via! Cavolo,inoltre togliere Pasdar dal cast sarebbe TREMENDO, per tutti!°-° Scherziamo!?

Anche il nostro Adri ha detto la sua!>.<

I wish I could share with you all the future for Nathan... But, as you all well know, mum IS the word.
Who could possibly have shot me?? The REAL answer to that question is very, very interesting. I promise.

C l o
CAT_IMG Posted on 5/12/2007, 14:12

in ogni caso riflettendoci...NAAAAA!
sarebbe troppo crudele e improvviso!
CAT_IMG Posted on 5/12/2007, 14:16

non ho capito la mum! dio, loro ancora non han deciso e aspetteranno la fine dello sciopero, dunque, petizioncine e varie avranno valore, impegnamoci!

però, adesso:
Who shot Petrelli?
CAT_IMG Posted on 5/12/2007, 14:37

Datemi tutto quello che c'è da firmare io lo firmerò!T.T

CAT_IMG Posted on 5/12/2007, 16:19

Ma con Mum intendeva la vecchia Angela?

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Comunque anche io sono ottimista per Nathan! Sarebbe VERAMENTE ridicolo che morisse! Non con Peter a due centimetri da lui, via.
Lo sparo è stato solo un avvertimento... Magari Angela sapeva che non sarebbe morto e qiundi gli ha fatto sparare. Non morirà çç
CAT_IMG Posted on 5/12/2007, 16:24

credo di si! l'alternativa sarebbe...?xD
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okokok. adesso mi sento più apposto. non succederà nulla. no no. no. pfttt. Non avrebbe davvero senso.
CAT_IMG Posted on 7/12/2007, 18:48

cosa pensano Greg Grunberg e MILO della questione di cui stiamo parlando

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Ventimiglia isn't sure if Nathan (played by Adrian Pasdar) is dead.

"I really hope he's not going anywhere," Ventimiglia told The Associated Press during a telephone interview Wednesday. "That would be really disappointing to me to lose a brother and an amazing scene partner. I'm sure it's all going to work out the way it's supposed to."

Ventimiglia says he didn't watch the finale.


Ventimiglia says he's seen no scripts and has no clues about what will happen when the show returns.

"We ran out of stuff to shoot," he said. "That's basically what it boils down to."

Matt has been sort of paired with other characters a lot this season, and one duo the fans have responded favorably to is the team of Matt and Nathan. Were those enjoyable episodes for you guys as well?

Absolutely, we’ve become really good friends and I think you can see that on screen. I think we have a real short hand with each other. Adrian is such a pro and such a good actor, I love the overlapping dialogue and the ease with which we work together. I love the team, so we’ll see what is going to happen. Right now, honestly, I haven’t seen a script, he hasn’t, we all don’t what is going to happen including Adrian. I talk to him every day and I’m like ‘So, are you alive?’ He’s like ‘I dunno.” We literally don’t know. It’s crazy to think.
CAT_IMG Posted on 7/12/2007, 21:59

an amazing scene partner

Seeee, ora si dice così!<3

Comunque ogni giorno che passa divento sempre più sicura del fatto che sopravviverà!T_T

(In realtà alterno momenti di disperazione e scoramento a momenti di flebile speranza)
CAT_IMG Posted on 8/12/2007, 13:50

su su, se Milo non è sicuro della sua morte... RITORNERA'!
Non possono fare questo a tutto il cast, e soprattutto ad Adri u.u (<- speranze assolutamente prive di fondamento T.T)
110 replies since 28/10/2007, 11:13   1034 views