Adrian/Milo Appreciation Thread #3, They think they're sexy, and so do we.

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E i d e
CAT_IMG Posted on 25/4/2008, 20:39

Io... credo di aver esaurito le cose da dire, su questi due.
Ariel Evan
CAT_IMG Posted on 25/4/2008, 21:58

E in tutto questo non ho notato l'evento storico che è LA RESA DI KIM, che finalmente viene aggiunta da me che rido maniacalmente, MWHAHAHAH *____*

LA MIA VITA E' COMPLETA. Ora posso morire felice.
CAT_IMG Posted on 25/4/2008, 22:20

Io... credo di aver esaurito le cose da dire, su questi due.

Amen. Io veramente boh.
CAT_IMG Posted on 28/4/2008, 18:53

oooh che bello *-* mi ero persa la prima foto shipposa, quanto sono Hot XD
Ariel Evan
CAT_IMG Posted on 30/4/2008, 10:45

Nuovo video di Adrian. E su chi? Ma su Mi ovviamente. La canzone è strumentale tranne per tre parole, "You are my angel". Ritorna Sleepy Mi, e il Pasdar fa una breve apparizione nello specchio.

Inoltre, "It's Wednesday".

Io li amo troppo. Troppo. Troppo.

CAT_IMG Posted on 30/4/2008, 13:58

1) AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW*//////////*

2) vi farei notare che Adrian sta evolvendo, come film maker!xD
CAT_IMG Posted on 30/4/2008, 14:07


Ariel Evan
CAT_IMG Posted on 30/4/2008, 17:59

Sììì, è diventato davvero bravo xD

E, per ora abbiamo Monday, Saturday e Wednesday. Ci mancano quattro giorni xD
E i d e
CAT_IMG Posted on 1/5/2008, 08:20

Questo video mi angoscia alquanto ma la faccia di Milo riesce a sdrammatizzare tutto! <3
Aspettiamo gli altri quattro giorni, su!>.<
CAT_IMG Posted on 1/5/2008, 11:52

Questo video mi angoscia alquanto ma la faccia di Milo riesce a sdrammatizzare tutto! <3

Aww è la stessa cosa che ho provato mio! Ciccino bello!<3
CAT_IMG Posted on 4/5/2008, 20:13

Sexy Petrelli Brothers... **

CAT_IMG Posted on 23/5/2008, 16:03

anche se non passa più (ç.ç) Ariel è ancora viva e ci ha fatto dono di un PICQUOTESPAM gigamegassurdo, da cui traggo due cosine da me non viste!<3

tipo, A

e B
Last season ended with your characters Peter and Nathan Petrelli seemingly exploding in the sky. Did you both know you were definitely coming back?
MILO: Well, there were conversations to make us feel more at ease. All I know was that my character Peter was going up in the air and there was an explosion. Beyond that, I didn't get a phone call from (series creator) Tim Kring saying, "Hey, we should have a talk", so...
ADRIAN: Everybody dreads that phone call! Every time Tim calls you and says "Hi, how you are doing?", it never ends well.
MILO: But I think people wanted to know that the Petrellis were okay and, now that they know that they're all right, when are they coming back together?
ADRIAN: It takes until episode 8 for us to get back together. We have to wait quite a while, but it's worth it.

Did you two click as soon as you met?
ADRIAN: Yeah, but we met a long time ago. We nearly did a show in which I was going to play his father!
MILO: And when he walked out of the room after the audition, the producer said to me, "He's really good, but he's much too young to play your father. You have to play brothers." And oddly enough, about eight years later, here we are.

So you remember each other from then?
MILO: Yeah. But even going back to when I was 18, I had this box of memories from high school at my parents' house, and when I was 28 - when we started Heroes - the box was handed to me. At the end of going through everything, I played this videotape and the first face that popped up was Adrian's! I'm looking at it going, "You have to be kidding me." It was something that I recorded when I was 17 or 18 that I never watched, and I didn't see it until I was 28 when we were just starting to work together.

Do you have brothers and sisters in real life?
ADRIAN: We both have sisters, but if I were to choose a brother, it would be him.
MILO: I feel the same. We see each other outside the show all the time.
ADRIAN: We're both sides of the same coin, and it's played out much the same way personally as it has professionally. We complement each other in many ways, both on-screen and off-screen. I know I'm better when I'm working with him, and I feel better as a human being, outside of work, when we're together.

Adrian, are your kids still impressed that daddy is a Hero?
ADRIAN: Well, I've had to wear a lot of prosthetic make-up lately for burn effects. I didn't take it off one day and I let the kids peel it off me, to show that it was fake - that I wasn't burned. They know it's pretend. They know that Daddy doesn't really fly.
MILO: Yeah, Daddy and Uncle Milo. Uncle Daddy. They call me Uncle Daddy.
ADRIAN: They've got lots of uncles. My children absolutely adore Milo. Whether or not they think I'm a hero will be for them to decide in 50 years. But they're good kids. My son has a Heroes lunchbox. He's the only kid in school with Daddy flying on the side of a lunchbox. He loves that.

Adrian, how did you meet you wife (Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks)?
ADRIAN: At a wedding. I was a groomsman and she was a bridesmaid. They always say that you meet people at weddings, and it had never happened to me. I kept going to weddings, thinking I was at least going to get some action. Never happened. (Laughs.) The girl that I meet at a wedding, I marry.

Do you sing as well?
ADRIAN: Yeah, but with her at home it's like, you know, I wouldn't do magic in front of Houdini.
MILO: But at the same time, you do very well with the piano... That thing that the Grammys are sitting on top of.
ADRIAN: On top of our piano, there are 12 Grammys. It's very intimidating, so I've taken some Scotch tape and overwritten my name on them so I can feel good about what I'm playing! I just tinker around on the piano. But we have fun at home. It's a very musical environment.

Milo, the other guys on the show are married with kids. What's it like being the only single guy on the show?
MILO: It's great to see guys like Sendhil Ramamurthy (Mohinder) and Greg Grunberg (Matt) and Adrian with their beautiful families giving me something to eventually hope for, you know. I'm going to a lot of weddings to try and meet someone! No, actually I missed a couple of weddings this year because of work. Damn.

Milo, you get your shirt off a fair bit this season. Was that discussed beforehand to make Peter sexier?
MILO: It wasn't specified to me, "Milo, you need to sex it up a bit."
ADRIAN: You want to know the truth? The truth is that Milo's fans demanded it, and I think when fans demand it, the true measure of any real star is that you give them what they want. And when you have a body that is so Adonis-like, there's no reason that you shouldn't share it! We can't beat around the bush. You've got a great body, you've got to end up in handcuffs.
MILO: My friend is making me blush. But, really, I just ended up being beaten up with buckets of water thrown on me.

Well, on that, how tough is it doing stunts?
MILO: The great part is they heat the water up, which is nice.
ADRIAN: Yeah, last year it was cold water that got thrown on us.
MILO: It was cold water! It came out of an ice bucket last year.

Are the flying scenes uncomfortable to film?
MILO: We have better harnesses this year, actually.
ADRIAN: We contributed to the design of the harness this year. It's a big rig underneath our clothes. It's a very cumbersome object that you have to Velcro and buckle into. But it's a dream come true. I had my children visit, and they just loved it. They loved seeing the two of us up there, and we were holding each other three storeys above the ground. We were literally hugging because we had to. I never thought I'd be suspended three storeys in the air holding another man but if I had to choose a scenario, it would be him.
MILO: Better me than Greg Grunberg. Of course, you could have preferred Sendhil too, so thank you. I appreciate that.

CAT_IMG Posted on 26/5/2008, 17:49

ADRIAN: You want to know the truth? The truth is that Milo's fans demanded it, and I think when fans demand it, the true measure of any real star is that you give them what they want. And when you have a body that is so Adonis-like, there's no reason that you shouldn't share it! We can't beat around the bush. You've got a great body, you've got to end up in handcuffs.

Sexier Peter <3

Rayban, che amore! E Adri col pelo di fuori ♥
Ariel Evan
CAT_IMG Posted on 28/5/2008, 14:27

Noooo, ci sono, sono viva!;_; Solo molto impegnata. *hugs thread, hugs Zoe&the rest of the sleepover*

Guh alle ultime foto, ecco. Sono entrambi stupendosissimi lì, e Adrian ha finalmente di nuovo capelli sani di mente (sì, hanno una mente propria) *_*
CAT_IMG Posted on 28/5/2008, 19:54

Advanced Member



e Adrian ha finalmente di nuovo capelli sani di mente

... e ha imparato a vestirsi, direi (a svestirsi nessuno l'aveva mai messo in dubbio che fosse capace)
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